Careless Driving
Our experienced criminal traffic careless driving defense lawyer helps hundreds of people annually to preserve their driving license and keep their insurance rates down. The charges of careless and imprudent driving and reckless driving are more serious traffic offenses than the average speeding ticket. Our traffic ticket attorneys regularly keep points off driving records. A conviction could lead to up to four points assessed to your driving record. You could also be assessed a substantial fine and face increased insurance premiums.
There are multiple reasons you could be charged with a careless and imprudent driving (C & I) or reckless driving. Some of those reasons are inattentive driving, texting while driving, talking on the phone while driving, excessive speeding, traveling too fast for the road conditions and many others.
Call 816-246-8881 for a free consultation with our top traffic ticket reckless driving lawyer. We may be able to keep any points from going on your record and help you keep your insurance premiums lower.